Tuesday 18 August 2015

3 Ways the UK will be different in 50 years

1. The National Health Service
The NHS was hailed as the greatest free healthcare system in the world when it was adopted in 1948.  She has been a beacon of pride to the British people for over 60 years now and has helped all of us at one point or another.

The cracks have started to appear.... A&E waiting times through the roof, GP's going on strike over 7 day weeks and an ageing population are all factors in the slow deterioration of the service.  As our once proud NHS is sold off one piece either by Labour or by Tory the service will change beyond recognition.

I know not how Britain will be servicing her peoples health in 50 years time, but I highly doubt it will be free at the point of entry, I highly doubt it will as comprehensive and I highly doubt it will be called the National Health Service.

The reason you ask?  Money!  Healthcare is big business the world over and tax hikes in the modern world will never generate the wealth needed to support a nation predicted to be upwards of 80 million, when the NHS was founded we had 37 million people.  It was a nice project, and one routed in the finest tradition of Socialism, but the NHS is for the scrapheap.

2. BBC
Again, the BBC was built for another time.  The BBC had a monopoly on (legal) radio transmissions and the only television channel for years but the era of mass consumerism has brought a clutch of multi-national media firms into the fray.  In the modern world how can the BBC stand up to BSkyB in the UK and various outfits across the world?  Furthermore the British people will start to resent having to pay for the BBC when they spend all their time watching Sports and Movies the BBC can't afford to provide for people.

Indeed Sports is an area where the BBC are losing their way already, they have lost full coverage and exclusivity on pretty much their whole programme these days, it is only Wimbledon that will be with them in 20 years.

This is before we even consider the terrible publicity that Operation Yewtree has brought on the national corporation.  The mass cover up looks rotten to the core, and the current Government will jump at the chance to remind people that the BBC is far from perfect and almost as full of middle class white guys as the Tory party.

Scarlet suspects a large amount of the BBC will be sold off, in 50 years time we will have the BBC World Service, Radios 1-5 and BBC News.

3. Scotland
Scotland will leave the UK, after all if you live in London or the South East you have everything and the Scottish get nothing.

Oh wait, that isn't true, well they will probably leave anyway.